Aquatic centre closure

Update: 2 July, 2024
The 50m pool refurbishment is on track as planned and the timeline remains the same for a late 2025 completion. VenuesWest and Arena Joondalup are working on a major update. We expect to receive detailed imagery late July and we will communicate this, along with other project details, at this time.
The upcoming update will include;
- Schematic fly through
- 3D imagery
Update: 12 December, 2023
Please refer to the latest news Family leisure pool reopening for details.
The family leisure pool will reopen on 19 December 2023.
The 50m pool remains closed.
Update: 19 October
The leisure pool refurbishment is progressing and planning is underway to reopen late this year.
During the closure, we have taken the opportunity to carry out additional maintenance including:
- An additional 60 square metres of tiling.
- Minor upgrades to change rooms such as new showerheads and taps.
- Resurfacing and painting of the water slide columns and stairs
- Reconfiguration of the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Con).
In January, The Education Department VacSwim program will use the leisure pool daily.
Due to the large volume of participants in this program, space for member and public lap and leisure swimming will be limited. We will endeavour to make space where possible and will communicate this more widely in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during the renovation.
Our team will keep in regular contact to ensure you receive the latest information regarding the 50m pool.
Update: 31 August
The leisure pool refurbishment is progressing well, with key milestones being met on the way to bringing you an improved aquatic leisure area.
Recent updates include:
- Internal tiling will be completed within the next two weeks with plastering of the inside of the pool to follow.
- The new pool deck tiles have arrived and are ready to be laid.
We thank you for your patience and understanding as we complete these upgrades.
Update: 21 July
Thank you for your patience in regards to the closure of the aquatic centre.
We have now received the engineer’s advice regarding the 50m competition pool and a long term closure has been confirmed.
On the other side of the aquatic centre, the leisure pool resurfacing works are progressing as planned and we are expecting the pool and sauna to reopen in October. As the works progress, we will continue to keep you updated ahead of a reopening date.
Update: 11 July
During the recent aquatic centre closure we took the opportunity to carry out additional maintenance on the 50m competition pool. This maintenance highlighted issues that need to be rectified before we can safely reopen the pool. As part of this process we will be draining the pool while we also await the advice of a structural engineer. We expect to receive this advice early next week at which time we will be able to update you further. However, based on preliminary advice, we are anticipating that major works will be required, and expect that this will mean long term closure for the 50m competition pool.
We know that your swimming lessons, lap swimming and fitness routines have already been heavily impacted by the ongoing aquatic closures, and we thank you for your continued understanding. We appreciate that this continues to affect your membership and we are considering a range of options.
Update: 7 July 2023
The 50m competition pool was anticipated to reopen on Monday 10 July. For the safety of our staff and patrons, the aquatic centre will remain closed until further notice.
We appreciate that this closure may cause further disruption to your programs, however the safety of our patrons is always our highest priority.
Update: 20 June 2023
We are pleased to advise that we have now received the results of further air quality testing and can confirm that these results indicate levels well below the Workplace Exposure Standards. Noise monitoring results have also been within acceptable levels to date.
With patron safety always our priority, the aquatic centre will remain closed until 9 July while the deconstruction works are completed. We will continue to monitor noise and dust as appropriate.
The planned reopening date for the 50m competition pool is now anticipated to be Monday 10 July. Please note that while the 50m pool is reopening, there will be no access to the leisure pool or sauna while the works continue and limited change rooms facilities will be available.
Update: 8 June 2023
The resurfacing work currently taking place in the family leisure pool is generating higher than expected levels of dust throughout the aquatic centre. We are taking the precaution of closing the whole aquatic centre including the 50m competition pool and sauna effective Thursday 8 June.
We expect the pool to be closed for up to two weeks while we complete the resurfacing works.
appreciate that this closure causes further disruption to your swimming and
fitness program however the safety of our patrons is always our highest
Update: 31 May 2023
VenuesWest would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support.
We are pleased to share with you that we have just recently awarded the contract for the refurbishment of the family leisure pool.
We are preparing for the contractor to commence works on Thursday 18 May, which includes emptying the entire pool. During this time, the family pool including the 25m leisure lanes and waterslide will be closed.
We understand that this is short notice, however, to ensure we can complete this refurbishment in the fastest possible timeframe, it is imperative that the contractor commences works as soon as possible.
This will be a long project and at this early stage, exact completion dates are not confirmed. We anticipate that works will be complete by early October, however this is subject to change.
We will continue to keep you informed of progress and any updates to these works via our website and Facebook page.
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Thank you for your understanding.