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Meet Our Personal Trainers

Find your match or contact our gym for a recommendation based on your needs

  • Edgar

    “If you think about it, it’s a dream, If you plan for it, it’s a goal, If you do it, it’s reality, You choose”


    Strength and conditioning for athletes, Triathlon coaching, Surf sports coaching,

    Injury management and rehab

    Sport and fitness, in general has always been a big part of my life since my mid-teens when I became involved in basketball. I was lucky enough to follow that through well into my late 20’s getting to a national level.

    I have pursued a lot of different sports; surf lifesaving, rugby union, triathlon, mountain biking, basketball, Olympic lifting, many of them at a competitive level.

    Part of the reason I pursued a profession in health and fitness is my involvement in coaching juniors. Teaching skills to help them enjoy what they do and seeing improvements,achievements and the sense of worth they get is inspirational. Several athletes I have worked with have gone on to compete on the international stage, some in swimming and another as a professional triathlete.

    I know that I can and will help you achieve your goals. If you’re committed, I will be too and we will find the way.


    • Certificate 3 and 4 Health and Fitness
    • Level 1 Strength and Conditioning
    • Level 1 Sports Power / Olympic Lifting
    • Level 1 Triathlon Coaching
    • Level 1 Basketball Coach
    • Freestyle Cycle Instructor
    • Surf Sport Coach
  • Mike

    “Exercise is medicine"


    Body building/shaping, technique training, fitness boxing and personal self defense.


    I have been involved in the health & fitness industry for over 22 years, including being an owner operator of my own health club.

    I have experience in training a vast range of sport specific clients. From teenagers beginning their health & fitness journey through to mature aged members needing to train safely around their limitations.

    I’m old school, I keep it simple, train hard, but will never sacrifice your technique or form.


    • Certificate III & IV in Fitness
    • Group Fitness Instructor
  • Lin

    “Winners never quit, quitters never win!”


    weight loss, toning, conditioning, general health and well-being, beginners - those new to training


    I was born and raised in China, moved to Australia in 2008.

    Growing up with delicious healthy food, I was never overweight even though I was working in an office environment in China. I was not educated about strength training and didn’t know that I needed it until I was injured at work in Australia.  Learning from the hard way, I understood the importance of strength training, and I started to add strength training to my lifestyle.

    My martial arts journey started back in 2009, Japanese Karate and Jujitsu training made me interested in the bio-mechanics of human body movements, so I decided to study Fitness where I qualified as a Personal Trainer so I could educate more people about strength and conditioning to avoid unnecessary injuries.

    Being a PT is the best job in the world! I absolutely love seeing my clients achieving their goals! I have clients that have lost over 30kgs in a year, fitting into the dresses that they could never fit in before! Some client’s arthritis symptoms, back, shoulder and neck pain has disappeared. There’s no other feeling better than seeing them become happier and fitter version of themselves!

    I am so very proud of each client’s achievement, no matter how big or small!

    I believe that an investment in health and fitness is the best investment, and you can certainly get the best “Return on your investment in YOU”! If you look after your body, your body will look after you!

    It’s my privilege to be on a journey with you to help you look after your body and mental health and work side by side all the way to the finish line until you hit every goal!


    • Certificate III & IV in Fitness
    • RIP 60 Suspension Trainer
    • Kettle Bells Level 1 and Level 2
    • Metafit HIIT Training Coach
    • HIRT ( High Intensity Resistant Training)
    • PunchFit Trainer
    • Aqua Instructor- Hydro techniques
    • Tai Chi Zen Fit
    • Zumba Basic Step Level 1
    • Shodan in Shorin Ryn Karate
  • Olivia

    "You are unique and you are special.  You are worth the effort and everyone benefits when you look after yourself."


    • Mobility
    • Weight Management
    • Mindset and Healthy Lifestyle coaching
    • Individualized programming for results
    • Virtual trainer platform so you have me 24/7


    My love of keeping fit and staying active started from a very young age. My father decided to teach us martial arts when I was quite young, around 4 or 5 years old. I absolutely loved it! I think because I felt alive but also because my dad was so proud of me.

    In school I had a bit of a tough time because I was different. I should explain that, LOL. Back then we weren’t so multicultural and so I stood out like a sore thumb being of Asian back ground (my dad hence the martial arts). No I did not use the martial arts to kick butt, however I was in demand when it came to choosing teams for sports. I would even be nominated captain. This is the time I felt accepted and just like everyone else or maybe a smidgen faster ;)

    I have found that exercise makes a big difference to how we see ourselves. It improves not just the outside but more importantly, our confidence and self –esteem. It’s the best ‘pill’ you can take for overall health and the side effects are, you look and feel better!


    • Certificate III & IV in Fitness
    • Group Fitness Instructor
    • Senior First Aid
    • PunchFit Trainer
    • UWA Fitness Leaders Certificate
    • Les Mills Body Combat
    • Metafit

  • Rafael Pieroni

    “Exercise is medicine "


    Strength and Weight Management, Training Older Adults


    As a Physical Education teacher primarily working as a Personal Trainer for over 15 years, I can give you the advice you need to achieve your next goal and help you thrive. I believe that, as a rule, consistency and systematic principles applied to the simple, work.


    • Physical Education and Exercise Sciences degree – UNESP/Brazil
    • Exercise Physiology Post-Grad – UFSCar/Brazil
    • AUSactive Level 3 Trainer - Australia's peak body for the exercise and active health sector
    • Diploma in Management – Sydney/Australia 
    • Certificate III and IV in Fitness – Brisbane/Australia
    • Introductory unit in Astronomy and Astrophysics – RMIT online    
  • Dirk

    "Fear is what stops you... courage is what keeps you going."


    Goal setting, Fat loss/nutrition, healthy lifestyle seminars, Muscle development, Boxing/kickboxing, Children’s training, Training for people with disabilities


    I grew up with a love of sports, particularly soccer which I’ve been playing for fifteen years now. That love of being active transitioned into a passion for helping people get the body they need to live the life they deserve. My clients’ dreams are my dreams. I combine your goals with my expertise and knowledge to get you where you want to be. Whether your training priorities are sport, strength or weight related, we’ll work together to keep you moving toward your set target.

    A healthy, balanced lifestyle doesn’t just make you look amazing; it makes you feel amazing, so that you can enjoy everything that life has to offer. It’s never too late to make healthy changes and better choices and I’d love to help you do it. I don’t offer a lot of hype or empty promises. I offer motivation, understanding and real science, wrapped in a healthy dose of “kick your butt.”


    • Certificate III & IV in Fitness
    • Certificate IV in Training & Assessment
    • TRX Suspension Trainer
    • PunchFit Trainer
    • KickPad Instructor
    • LeMound Spin Instructor
    • Effective Movement Training
  • Teagan

    “Some people want it to happen, Some wish it would happen, Others make it happen".

    Strength and conditioning, Weight loss and management, High intensity interval training, Knowledge on lower back pain and total back injury, Individual personalised programs for my clients.

    Growing up in a sport family, sport and fitness has always been a huge part of my life. I started out young, I was a swimmer for over 10 years, I have now played netball for over 13 years whilst competing in the Surf Life Saving Australia IRB Racing competitions. Over time, I grew a passion for keeping fit not only for my physical wellbeing but my mental wellbeing as well. Fitness is the best therapy!

    Fitness strengthens you both physically and mentally, creates discipline. Working on my own wellbeing made me come to the realisation of what I wanted to do with my life. I want to help others, help them feel good about themselves physically and mentally. I want to make a difference. That is why I am a Personal Trainer.

    Two of my focuses are weight loss and management, and total back injury recovery. I have a client with total back injury with many limitations, they have lost 10kg in 3 months with my help. with my knowledge I can work around your body's limitations to find exercises suitable for your goals, and your limits. the joy of seeing my client's progress physically and mentally is the most amazing feeling in the world.


    • Certificate III in Fitness
    • Certificate IV in Fitness
    • Group Fitness Instructor
    • First Aid & CPR
    • Bronze Medallion
  • Cameron

    "The best way to predict the future is to create it"


    Sport specific training, weight loss, technique, goal setting.


    Born in England, my family and I migrated over in 2008 to Australia. I grew up plying a variety of sports including Tennis, Soccer, Triathlon and AFL which is what I currently play at Claremont FC. I have always loved exercise which is why I wanted to study a Certificate III and IV in fitness.


    • Certificate III in Fitness
    • Certificate IV in Fitness
    • Group Fitness Instructor
    • First Aid & CPR
    • Bronze Star
  • Caitlyn

    "Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live"


    Strength and Conditioning, Hypertrophy training, Personalised programs suited to your goals and needs, Health and Fitness, Cater to all ages and abilities, Post-operation recovery/strength conditioning and mobility.


    Growing up in an active family of water-skiers, I have always held a passion for all areas of health and fitness. From playing Netball at a young age to now playing Women’s Football, I am passionate about all areas of Health and Fitness.

    Not only am I passionate about Health and Fitness, I believe in educating my clients and giving them the guidance to fulfill their goals. It is easy to instruct ‘how’ but I believe the ‘why’ is crucial to growth and achievement.

    I Iove helping and motivating others to achieve their goals. No matter if you are a beginner or have experience in the gym, my personalised sessions and programs will help you achieve your health and fitness goals.


    • Certificate III in Fitness
    • Certificate IV in Fitness
    • Group Fitness Instructor
    • First Aid & CPR
  • Phil

    “Unleash Your Potential, Embrace Fitness!"


    Strength and Conditioning, Weight loss and management, High intensity interval training, Physical and mental wellbeing.


    For 18 years, I dedicated my life to helping others as a Personal Trainer in the UK. Witnessing the transformative impact of fitness on individuals' lives has been incredibly rewarding.

    During my time at Cambridge University, I worked as a Physical Wellbeing Consultant, providing invaluable support to students struggling with depression and anxiety. This experience reinforced the significance of holistic well-being, encompassing both physical and mental health. In 2016, I was honoured with the title of Fellow Commoner, which further ignited my passion for making a positive difference in people's lives.

    Recently, I embarked on a new adventure by moving to Perth, Australia, in January 2023. The scenic beauty and vibrant community have only deepened my love for an active lifestyle.

    I believe in leading by example, and staying active is an integral part of who I am. Whether it's exploring nature, engaging in sports, or pursuing fitness goals, I find fulfilment in staying active and inspiring others to do the same.

    I'm excited to be a part of this community and look forward to connecting with you all. Let's journey together towards well-being, positivity, and a healthier lifestyle.


    • Certificate III in Fitness
    • Certificate IV in Fitness
    • Group Fitness Instructor
    • Level III Nutrition & Weight Management
    • Fellow Commoner at Cambridge University, England
    • First Aid & CPR